Lama El-Sherbiny

Full Stack Software Engineer based in NYC.


About Me

Ello and welcome to my portfolio website! It's a pleasure that you came by to say hi. I'm Lama, pronouced like di-lemma. I am a full-stack software engineer with a background in JavaScript/React.js and Python. When I am not coding, I am a traveler, food enthusiast, and a lifelong learner. One of my favorite things about coding are the infinite amount of endless possibilities I am faced with.

Previously in my career, I was an educator at a Montessori School, and manager of a team for enhancing customer experience while side-hustling my art sales. I love being able to interwine all my different skills and interests into one and this new career as a software engineer allows me to do exactly that!

Here are a few fun facts about me

1. I love to make art.
2. My personailty stems from my 15+ years as a USFA certified fencer.
3. I live for adventure, and making connections.


Here are the most recent projects I have built!


An instagram clone targeted towards users in the creative realm.

  • Share and upload your own artwork.
  • Follow artists you like, browse through other creatives post.

github | live site

  • splash
  • dashboard
  • signup
  • review edit
  • posts


    A project management platform helping teams manage projects and task delegation across team members.

    • Create projects and assign team members tasks.
    • Keep track of project/task completion.

    github | live site



      An Event ticketing platform, targeted towards users looking for NYC night events.

      • Browse through events happening in NYC.
      • Register or bookmark events to your own personal profile

      github | live site

        people walking on crosswalk

        Get in touch

        Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my projects or are looking to collaborate.